Important Links

  • MyFitnessPal – free food tracking website – enter your goals and it gives you goals for calories and all other macros – very large food database for tracking – also allows you to record your exercise calories as well – if trying to lose weight, this site is a must!!!
  • FitBit – site to review all stats recorded by my Fitbit tracker
  • Team Beachbody – great workout videos – I am a fan of the 21 Day Fix, P90, P90x3 and PiYo
  • Map My Run – a free app that uses your phone’s GPS to track your run and will give you split times and a map of where you ran and how far – allows you to stream music through the app as well
  • Map My Fitness – a free app to track overall fitness – the same as MapMyRun but allows all types of fitness be tracked, not just running
  • Couch-to-5k Training Plan – I repeated weeks when I felt I needed to but in under 4 months I have gone from sedentary to running almost 3 miles – it works
  • Olive on Brooklea – flavor infused olive oils and balsamic vinegars – not cheap but delicious
  • Fleet Feet – a local running store – will fit you for the proper running shoes

Where to run: