Training Update: Summer 2017

The target race for the Summer of 2017 will be the Boilermaker 15K in early July. Following the completion of the Indy Mini Half Marathon, I ran my first Ragnar relay race – Ragnar Niagara. While it was a great unique experience, it was also alot tougher on my body than I expected it to be. The recovery from this impacted the early part of this training cycle. In the weeks leading up to the Boilermaker, I also ran a small number of 5K’s, the Boston 10K and a 7.7 mile trail run.

This training session was far less consistent than the Spring session, partially due to the needed rest following the Spring, the scheduling impact of the 5K and 10K races, and the impact of my daughter’s softball schedule – all of which interfered with scheduled workouts. In the end, I was averaging between 2 and 3 runs a week and speed work only half of the time I needed it. No strength training during this period either. Training consisted of a handful of runs and cycling twice a week for cross training.

I have continued to see Nick at Dynamic Health and Fitness for recovery workouts and the start of a new Jumping strength program – but I was very negligent in keeping up with my home workouts.

Not suprisingly, the Boilermaker did not go as well as I had hoped. This ended up being a good look at how important consistency in training is, and the incredible value the extra components (strength and flexibility) bring to our overall running success.

Author: mmteixeira

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